San Antonio Magazine for Alamo Heights, Terrell Hills, Lincoln Heights, Terrell Heights, Northwood and Oak Park

Spring Gardening

April is definitely the time to start creating the perfect sanctuary to while away the long hot San Antonio afternoons. We visited several local garden centers for a little inspiration and got way more than we bargained for. Here are some of the emerging trends we found:



ORNAMENTAL VEGETABLES: Beautiful multi-colored cabbage, kale, swiss chard, and rhubarb are everywhere. These hardy and edible plants add texture and interest to flower beds and look beautiful beside annual and perennial flowers.

SUCCULENTS: A seemingly endless array of drought resistant succulents can be combined in large containers to create long-lasting, low maintenance cactus bouquets.

FAIRY GARDENS: What backyard oasis wouldn’t welcome a whimsical fairy garden. Dwarf or bonsai plants, river rocks, pebbles, fungi and peat moss create the perfect setting for these fairy forests. Whimsical accessories and the fairies themselves can be found at local garden centers, craft stores and online. Children, grandchildren and adults love to create these diminutive delights.

STATUARY: Gnomes, angels, and Buddhas abound at garden centers and are like jewelry for your garden. They planter2can make an outdoor space feel tranquil and contemplative or fun and frivolous.

WILDLIFE FEEDERS: Nut and seed dispensers bring your garden to life literally by attracting birds and squirrels. Hummingbirds can be attracted to your garden by special nectar filled feeders hung from the trees.

BIRD AND OWL HOUSES: Birds and owls use these structures for shade, shelter and as nesting sites. They can be mounted on tree trunks or fences. Different styles exist to attract specific breeds of birds .

ARCHITECTURAL PLANTERS: Ceramic, clay, copper and metal planters that look like pieces of art not only add interest to gardens but can compliment a homes existing architecture.





Water Garden Gems
3230 Bolton Road
Marion, TX

Shades of Green
334 W. Sunset
San Antonio, TX

Schulz Nursery
100 W. Huebinger
Marion, TX

Maldonado Nursery & Landscaping
1634 Nacogdoches Rd
San Antonio, TX

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