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School News

Pandemic Publishing

Journalism Students Work for Success During Year

By Mark Sechler, Hoof Print Co-Editor In Chief

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At the computer, senior Co-Editors in Chief Emmie Chaney and James Crow go over an article. “I rarely wrote articles since I was a co-editor, but when I did, it came very naturally to me and was a lot of fun,” Crow said. Crow was the first male editor for the yearbook. Photo by Gabi Rodriguez

     The journalism department has been busy all year learning how to write articles, taking photos, and covering school events. Under the leadership of Journalism Teacher Kristin Cade, all three classes have met challenges head-on and found success along the way.       

     “Yearbook is one of my favorite classes because we are like one big family, and Mrs. Cade is the best teacher ever,” Senior Ads Editor Lexi Ramirez said.

“These last two years on staff have been such a great experience for me.  I’ve loved every minute of it.”

     The yearbook staff was led by Cade and the five Co-Editors in Chief seniors James Crow, Emmie Chaney, Carli Medina, Lizzie Minor, and Meredith Carpio-Walker. As a team, they have had to work through many problems, but they got through them with ease because they worked well together.

     “It’s been a little bit harder to complete the yearbook this year because it’s hard to get quotes and pictures from people who are online,” Chaney said. “But we are still making it work and still having fun.”

     In January, the yearbook staff found out the 2020 yearbook (last school year) won the UIL’s Award of Distinguished Merit for the 13th consecutive year, the state’s highest honor and the gold medal in publishing.

     “The award is always special and exciting,” Cade said. “However, this award for the 2020 yearbook was really special because we completed 217 of the 400 pages of the book after the ‘Rona’ school closure.”

     In May, the Yearbook Staff found out that they were featured in Balfour Publishing’s Yearbook Yearbook, which honors the best yearbooks in the country and overseas.

     “This is the 15th year in a row we have won the Yearbook Yearbook Award,” Cade said. “It is such an honor since it is a national award.”

     Another part of the Journalism Department that has made an enormous impact is the Journalism I class taken by sophomores and juniors who want to take Hoof Print or Yearbook the following school year. The Journalism I students learn the basics of writing and editing, photography, layout, and design. By the end of the year, they also get real-world experience by working on actual yearbook and newspaper pages and helping finish up both publications.

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During second period, junior Teel Sabom works on his article on the computer for the January issue. “I liked to write sports columns the best because I was interested the most in sports,” Sabom said. There were two sports columns in every issue of the newspaper except the May issue. Photo by Mark Sechler

     “It’s been a blast helping Mrs. Cade and taking pictures of my friends and the different classes around the school,” sophomore Journalism I Student Miles  Wright said. “Taking pictures was also a great way to find out where everything was in the school since everything is so new.”

     The journalism class also did their part by helping out in the yearbook. Cade had the Journalism I students split into two sections: The New Direction page and College page, two pages in the 2021 yearbook.

     “It has been a really good experience to get to see how things are run in each class, and it has given me a better view on what route I want to take next year in the journalism department,” sophomore Traylor Azar said. “This year in J1 has been very exciting and made me look forward to working with Mrs. Cade again next year.”

     And last, but certainly not least, is The Hoof Print Staff. Though they have had a lot of adversity, they overcame it in the end, as always.

     The Hoof Print Staff published nine issues during the school year. Led by senior Co-Editors Ivanna Bass Caldera, Jonathan Duperier, Stefan Enslin, Natalie Lehmann, and Mark Sechler, the staff worked through some being online and others being Face-To-Face to meet deadlines and get issues out every month.

     “I really enjoyed editing each issue at the end of the month,” senior Natalie Lehmann said. “It was super interesting to see everyone’s different articles and collaboration.”  

     In May, the staff learned that they won the UIL Award of Achievement, which is the silver medal in publishing. This was an excellent reward for an out-of-the-ordinary year. 

     “It has been tough this year, dealing with COVID and half of our class being online, but luckily Mrs. Cade helped us adapt, and it got better,” senior Sports Staff Member Trey Sullivan said. “It has probably been my favorite class this year.”

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In class, senior Co-Editors in Chief Natalie Lehmann and Ivanna Bass Caldera revise articles on the computer. “It was super interesting to see everyone’s different articles and collaboration,” Lehmann said. Co-editors proofed every article for every issue of the paper. Photo by Mark Sechler

Looking Back on Senior Year

Holding an item, senior Henry Satel prepares his rocket during rocketry class. The rocketry building was full of equipment for students to use ahead of the big launch. Photo by Ariel Diperi
In the choir room, senior Julia McKnight participates in note practice. Note practice was held mornings before school.
Photo by Ariel Diperi
Standing, seniors Taylor Mocyzgemba, Kennedy Massey, and Gracie Lyssy call students over to the Be The Change table at Club Fair. Club Fair was in the Oaks during both lunches.
Photo by Carli Medina
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At the athletic barbecue, senior Joe Ramirez hands out tickets as a member of the football team. The event provided grab-and-go meals instead of a sit-down dinner.
Photo by Tenley Kleck
Spirit Showcase
At the spirit showcase, senior Augustin Chincarini stands on the podium and leads the band. Chincarini was one of three drum majors in the band program.
Photo by Meredith Carpio-Walker
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In the Oaks, seniors line up and wait for the announcement of the homecoming king and queen. All nominees attended the event in the Oaks.
Photo by Lizzie Minor

Lights, Camera, Action

Muletube Class Shoots, Directs Television Production for Student Body

By Georgia Valles, Hoof Print News Editor

     Every week, two new Muletube videos are released, and as a school, students get to enjoy the hard work this class puts into producing these informative video broadcasts. The Muletube 1 and 2 class is for students who want to learn the basics of television broadcasting. They work on building scripts, operating their broadcast system, and creating graphics. Everyone has a specific role that contributes to the production of Muletube.

     “In Muletube, students learn the basics of putting together a news broadcast for announcements,” Muletube Teacher Ann Carter said. “They learn what it’s like to be in front of the camera as well as behind the camera. The students this year have been amazing to work with during these difficult times of social distancing and mask-wearing. They continue to be energetic, upbeat, and work so well together.”

     The production of Muletube has changed over the school years, going from live videos to newly edited YouTube videos. Every year they have been dedicated to sharing news with the school during advisory periods. This year, Muletube is dedicated to sharing student accomplishments. They share everything from sports wins to art shows to other student achievements.

     “My passion is broadcasting.  I try my best every day not only to produce the best episode possible but also to pass on the skills I have learned to the rest of our amazing Muletube family,” sophomore Head Of Production Dylan Corso said. “Now in Muletube, we are all focused on showcasing student accomplishments. Muletube students do not just learn videography, but they also learn photography and build confidence by getting out of their comfort zone and stepping in front of the camera.” 

     Muletube focuses on teamwork. Students have to be organized, energetic, upbeat, and know how to manage time wisely while collaborating with fellow classmates. However, entry into this class includes an application, and there are only a limited number of students admitted. The course teaches students how to write scripts and teaches them how to be comfortable in front of a camera as they become the hosts of Muletube.

     “We film each episode two days before it’s released, so it has time to be edited,” senior Director Julia Beebe said. “It takes a lot of teamwork to get all of the equipment set up and all of the mics connected.”

     Every week the students prepare a script by looking for potential sports segments and any other notable event happening at the school. They work with teachers and students to make informative and well-put-together videos every week. Almost any information you need to know will be announced on Muletube.

     “A typical day in Muletube is that the class and I find a spot where we can record the announcements,” senior Videographer Joel Lisowski said. “Dylan edits our videos so the final product can be sent to Ms. Carter to email to the teachers.”

     Every week Muletube continues to work hard at producing a video for the campus. Members of the class put a great deal of dedication and passion into their videos. Students learn unique skill sets and experience real-life broadcast journalism firsthand.

     “Muletube has helped me become a better leader and person,” Corso said. “It has taught me invaluable life lessons.”

Looking through the lens, sophomore Dylan Corso films a Muletube taping. “It was fun to use my videoing skills to record the broadcasts,” Corso said. 
Photo by Natalie Lehmann
Outside the Muletube room, senior Riley Mercer listens to the audio during a Muletube taping. “It was sometimes hard to get good interviews from people wearing masks, but we made it work,” Mercer said. 
Photo by Natalie Lehmann

Research Science Scholars to Gain Valuable Experience

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Saint Mary’s Hall (SMH) is where tradition meets innovation. The school provides students with unforgettable opportunities to interact with experts, inspirational speakers, and impactful teachers, as well as unique, one-of-a-kind experiences; one of these is the newly introduced Research Science Program.

Led by Upper School Biology Teacher Dr. Jamie Holbrook, this specialized program allows Upper School students to spend the year studying the human endeavor of scientific research, foundational laboratory skills, the evaluation of results using statistical analysis, and how to plan, implement, perform, and communicate research findings. The program includes classroom work, an independent research project, and an internship in a certified laboratory.

In May, the first group of Saint Mary’s Hall Research Science Program Scholars was officially announced at the SMH Lab Coat Ceremony. The ceremony was modeled after the White Coat Ceremony, often intended for first-year students in medical, nursing, and physician assistant programs as a rite of passage.

Appearing via Zoom at the ceremony, CEO/President of Texas Biomed Dr. Larry Schlesinger addressed the scholars and said, “Pursuing a scientific career is a wonderful journey in self-discovery and life-long learning. This career takes you in so many exciting directions. Along the journey, make sure you encounter and hold on to mentors who will help guide you and will take the time to find out what you are passionate about. Make the most of the opportunities in front of you. You will not be disappointed.”

Circle School’s Summer Programs

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This year calls for a summer of fun! The Circle School is so happy to return to on campus summer programs for 2021. They are offering one week or the whole summer activities with session offerings from June 7th to August 6th. Options are available for children ages 4-14 with previous group care experience. Sessions include art, cooking, theatre, music, science, STEM, mindfulness, and empathy. Three of the courses are as listed: 

Fractured Fairy Tale Theatre Intensive

July 19-30, 8:45am-3:30pm

Ages 6-14

The teachers will immerse the students in fairy tales. Next, the students will deconstruct everything that they’ve heard and then they will put it all back together in a one-act play and present it the second Friday of class. Students will learn basic theater terminology and techniques, create costumes and a set, and flex their ‘make it up as we go along’ muscles. Last, but not least, they would live happily ever after…

Practicing Peace

July 12-16, 8:45am-11:45am

Ages 7-14

Participants will practice finding their quiet with this gentle, and sometimes silly, introduction to meditation and mindfulness. The class will begin with a series of gentle exercises that help calm the body and mind. It will end with a group guided meditation. In between, students will work on projects which will include a lavender sachet, a finger labyrinth, a “Mind in a Jar” and a peace flag.

Around the World in a Week

July 12-16, 12:30pm-3:30pm

Ages 4-6

Armed with passports and curiosity, join us as we travel around the world in 5 days, learning about different continents, exploring unfamiliar foods, creating art, investigating exciting cultures, and making memories with our fellow travelers. 

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