San Antonio Magazine for Alamo Heights, Terrell Hills, Lincoln Heights, Terrell Heights, Northwood and Oak Park

Neighborhood News

Terrell Hills Schedules Blood Drive

A blood drive hosted by the City of Terrell Hills is set for Tuesday, July 11, in the City Hall parking lot from 12:00 noon until 5:00 pm.

Anyone who is 17 years old, weighs at least 110 pounds, is in good general health, or is 16 years old, has parental consent, weighs at least 120 pounds, and can donate blood. Donors must present a photo ID, the last four digits of their Social Security number, and their birth date.

The service is provided by the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center.

All presenting donors receive:

  • A safe and secure donation experience
  • Skilled care from the staff
  • A wellness check-up and T-shirt
  • Access to convenient online scheduling

AH Councilwoman Lynda Billa Burke Elected Mayor Pro Tempore

Lynda Billa Burke
Lynda Billa Burke

By a unanimous vote of 4-0, AH council members recently elected their colleague, Lynda Billa Burke, to serve as Mayor Pro Tempore.

Billa Burke has served on the council for nine years, making her the longest-serving female on the city council. As mayor Pro Tempore, she will assume the duties of mayor in the absence of Alamo Heights Mayor Bobby Rosenthal or when his calendar is overloaded.

She told 78209 Magazine, “I am very fortunate to work with some terrific guys. We all have pet projects and support each other in our endeavors. We rotate the position of Mayor Pro Tempore every election.

“If only our state and national representatives could work together like we do, it would be a better place for all,” she added.

Olmos Park Residents Set Old Fashioned 4th of July Celebration

Think vintage cars, seersucker suits, kids on bikes with streamers on their handlebars, and red, white, and blue crepe paper threaded through the spokes of the wheels. Think pets on leashes and babies in strollers and a sky dotted with puffy white clouds.

Think a parade with marching bands, police cars, and fire engines with lights flashing and sirens roaring, and more.

Put it all together, and you have the Olmos Park Fourth of July Parade. Folks are invited to gather at the Alameda Circle at 8:45 am. The parade will begin at 9 am.

The city urges attendees to dress in red, white, and blue. There will be a contest for the best patriotic mask.

The city of Olmos Park hopes to continue creating lasting memories through the years. They are looking for people to help sponsor this event by making donations (in any amount).

“This year, we will maintain social distancing.”

Water Restrictions Lifted in AH, Still in Effect in Terrell Hills

May showers not only brought May flowers, the rain added enough water to the Edwards Aquifer to lift water restrictions in Alamo Heights, as of the date we went to press, according to a city spokeswoman.

Even so, the city encourages residents to continue to conserve water. After all, blistering heat and day after day of little or no rain are on the way, and with that will come restrictions on residential and commercial water use.

Alamo Heights Public Works wants to remind residents, “Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain, or ditch. Repair all leaks.”

A representative from Terrell Hills told 78209 Magazine Stage 2 water restrictions are still in effect for its community.

Contact the Alamo Heights Public Works Department with questions about water use and restrictions.

Safety Tips for Use of Portable Generators

With summer months quickly approaching, storms may produce power outages, leading many to use a generator. But beware. If not used properly, generators can pose a fire hazard.

A few things to note about portable generators:

  • Use portable generators outdoors in well-ventilated areas at least 20 feet from all doors, windows, and vent openings.
  • Measure the 20-foot distance from the generator to the building.
  • Never use a generator in an attached garage, even with the door open.
  • Place generators so that exhaust fumes cannot enter the home through windows, doors, or other openings in the building. The exhaust must be directed away from the building.
  • If you are using a portable generator, make sure you have battery-operated carbon monoxide (CO) alarms or plug-in CO alarms with a battery backup in the home.
  • If the CO alarm sounds:
    • Immediately move to a fresh air location outdoors. Make sure you account for everyone.
    • Call 9-1-1 or the fire department from the fresh air location. 
    • Remain there until emergency personnel declares that it is safe to re-enter the home.
  • If you are buying or renting a portable generator, choose one listed by a qualified testing laboratory.
  • Do not stand or sit downwind of generator exhaust. If you can smell exhaust, you are inhaling it. Exhaust is toxic and deadly. 
  • Store fuel for the generator in a container intended for the purpose, and that is correctly labeled as such. Store the containers outside of living areas.

Adapted from National Fire Protection Association

Vandals Attack Residential Yards and AH Community Garden

Damaged gardens

Area police are investigating damage to more than 40 residential properties in 78209 and the Alamo Heights Community Garden.

Early estimates of damage exceed $25,000, according to several residents. It appears that a type of chemical spray was used to hit the yards. Several homeowners filed police reports with the Alamo Heights and City of San Antonio police departments. Both departments are investigating.

The spraying occurred somewhere around the first week of May, and damages are now just being seen. 

By:  Ron Aaron Eisenberg

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