For many small business owners, the feeling of success at the end of the day comes from the sales receipts. But for Lane Hooton Green, owner of Memory Lane Monograms and Gifts, it’s all about the customer encounters. “There’s nothing better than seeing someone come in who knows they need a gift, but aren’t exactly sure just what they need, then they walk out so excited with what they decided on,” she said. “Doing monogramming, we’re really a part of every milestone in life for our customers, which is special.”

Throughout the years Green’s shop has gone beyond just embroidery and brought on dozens of monogrammed lines, including enewton jewelry, candles, crystal stemware, Scout bags, pillows, high demand travel towels and more. What sets her business apart from others is the importance placed on the customer experience. “I tell my employees we are here to serve every single person who comes through the doors and regardless of whether or not they buy something, they have a fun experience and want to come back,” Green said. “I’ve had people come in crying on my shoulder, or people who we are creating something for that’s going to be a special keepsake for life. Our staff here really takes my vision of serving the customers and makes it real,” she said.

Those looking for unique gifts can either bring in their own items for monogramming or shop the wide selection in the store, and Green said the popular items in the coming month will be back to school gear like lunch totes, backpacks, nap mats, and teacher gifts. “Our customers are really the ones who come up with the coolest ideas, and it’s just so much fun being a part of all their milestones,” Green said.
Approaching its 14th Anniversary this fall, Green said her store’s success is due to God, the support of the community and her amazing team of employees. Smiling, Lane acknowledges “that’s the blessing on my end. I get to build relationships with everyone who comes in the door.”
By Christie Cuthbert
Photography by Martin Waddy