Local Oral History Film Chosen for SA Competition

IMPACT: The San Antonio Jewish Oral History Project, a documentary by the National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), has been selected for screening at the 26th annual San Antonio Film Festival.
NCJW said, “The film chronicles the important role Jews have played in the development of San Antonio while, in parallel, gives a history of the city from the late 1800’s during a period of mass immigration and covers many of the seismic events that have shaped this city such as the Flood of ’21, the Pecan Shellers’ Strike, the building of the Medical Center, and many more.”
Project co-chairs Rhonda Grimm and Susan Butler said the film was chosen out of hundreds of submissions from around the world. It will be shown as a part of the San Antonio Film Festival, between September 16-20, and the official awards night is August 8.
78209 residents Judge Bonnie Reed & Stu Schlosberg are among the founding sponsors for the film.
Zoobilation Goes Virtual, As Need For Money Grows

As COVID-19 continues to pound Bexar County, the San Antonio Zoo finds itself strapped for operating dollars. Much of its funding comes from daily visitors. And those numbers have plummeted since mid-March.
A zoo spokesperson explained why the Zoobilation is even more important this year. “Each year the Zoobilation Ball is the primary fundraiser for the zoo’s $25 million operating budget. Public support is more critical now than it has been in the zoo’s entire 106-year history. The Zoo’s decrease in daily visitors and our extended closure has created a multimillion-dollar financial loss.
“The costs of animal care and infrastructure at the zoo is nearly $500,000 a week. Unlike most other zoos in the country, San Antonio Zoo is 100% dependent on guest visits, grants, and donations to operate.”
With COVID-19 preventing Zoobilation from being held on the grounds, planners opted for a virtual ball.
“Zoobilation is going virtual! We are bringing the celebration to you at home, your own ‘Speakeasy Ball.’ The date for the 38th Annual Zoobilation Ball, — The Roaring ‘20s is October 1, 2020″.
And, for the first time, the public will be able to bid on silent and live auction items, without having to be part of the actual event.
Amazing Photo Exhibit Opens in Cuero on October 8 Has San Antonio and King Ranch Ties

Two Women Look West: Photographs of King Ranch by Helen C. Kleberg and Toni Frissell debuted at the Houston Museum of Fine Arts in 2006. That was the first-time Helen Kleberg’s images were displayed for public viewing.
Some of those photos will be on display at the Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum in Cuero from October 8 through November 1. Cuero is some 100 miles SE from San Antonio.
Helen Kleberg Groves’ parents, Bob and Helen Kleberg, were intimately involved in the King Ranch while Frissell was an internationally celebrated American photographer. She specialized in fashion photography along with her numerous photos taken at the King Ranch.
Kleberg’s dad managed the ranch for 50 years, so she grew up in and around the sprawling ranch, where she spent time with Frissell, a frequent visitor from her East Coast home.
Helen Kleberg Groves, 93, told 78209 Magazine, “I am very proud of my mother. She did amazing things and went further than most photographers because she developed most of her own photos. I remember how she’d take over my bedroom and, later, the family’s laundry room, as temporary dark rooms where she developed her film.
“She and Toni worked closely together. While the photos in the exhibit are identified as Toni’s, I know some were taken by mom. Both Toni and my mom shot with Leica cameras. Very often, mom would use Toni’s to take photos.
“Their photograph instincts and strengths complemented one another. Mom was great with seeing a picture, laying it out in her mind. Toni was a master of the technical aspects of photography.”
Sharon Weber, executive director of the Museum, told me, “The Chisholm Trail Heritage Museum is excited to host Mrs. Helen Kleberg Groves and the exhibit of her photographs.
“Two Women Look West.” This is a particular honor since Mrs. Groves’ great-grandfather, Robert Justus Kleberg, once lived and is buried in the Cuero area. We are anxious to present the artwork of these incredible women and showcase the intrinsic value of the legacy of these Texas legends.”
Olmos Park Offers Safety Checks for Residents Away from their Homes
Olmos Park residents planning to travel away from their homes can invite the police department to monitor their home while they are away.
The city makes clear, “No municipality, county or community is immune from criminal activity.” The free service is designed to reduce break-ins.
Residents planning to go out of town can fill out the Out of Town Notification on the city’s website, at olmospark.org. Once on the website, click on “forms,” and look for “out of town notification.”
In any given week, Olmos Park police may check on upwards of 130 homes or more.
Local Bars Apply for Re-classification
Several area bars have asked TBAC to reclassify them as restaurants. If the petitions are granted, the establishments can reopen.
Under current COVID-19 regulations, bars may not open. But if a business sells more than 51% in food versus alcohol they can open their doors. They still must adhere to CDC guidelines on limiting number of patrons, enforcing wearing of masks, and social distancing.
Among those seeking reclassification are 210 Sports Cantina & Grill (78221), Charlie Browns Neighborhood Bar and Grill (78247), The Hangar (78209), and the Winchester (78209), Tuckers (78205), and more. Without the reclassification, the businesses remain closed. Their employees out of work.
As one restaurant operator told 78209 Magazine, “This is a no brainer. Being open is much better than being closed.”
Beatles & Rolling Stones Coming to Sam’s Burger Joint in Virtual Concert Series

There’s good news for music lovers, Sam’s Burger Joint, 330 E Grayson St, near The Pearl, is planning to bring classic concerts via live stream, to its Music Hall, beginning in mid-September.
Think The Beatles, Rolling Stones, and more. All at no cost.
Music lovers everywhere know about the day the music died — February 3, 1959 – when Buddy Holly, Ritchie Valens, and “The Big Bopper” J. P. Richardson were killed in a plane crash near Clear Lake, Iowa, together with pilot Roger Peterson.
But the music recently died again in mid-March, thanks to COVID-19, when bars and concert halls were ordered closed in an effort to control the spread of the deadly coronavirus.
With restaurants now opening, as long as they follow CDC guidelines, Sam’s Burger Joint’s management thought it was a good time to start up the music again.
Beginning in September, the Concert Hall is featuring classic concerts showcasing top performers and bands. There is no charge for the entertainment. Food and beverages are available for purchase.
By Ron Aaron Eisenberg