Homeowners’ and renters’ political signs are being stolen from yards in Alamo Heights and Terrell Hills. Consequences for stealing political signs are as follows: a Class C misdemeanor for a small sign worth less than $100 with a maximum penalty of $500. If the sign is larger and worth more or the facts of the case warrant a criminal trespassing
charge, the offense could be Class B misdemeanor and punishable by up to 180 days in jail and a maximum $2000 fine for stealing. If someone steals a sign from your property, it should be reported to the police.
Stealing political signs is also trespassing and sometimes causes destruction of private property. Whether you are a Democrat or a Republican, you should strongly denounce these actions. Democracy is respecting differing views. 78209 is a wonderful place to live. Part of what makes it that way is that we are not all alike. We all have a choice, and we should respect each other’s right to choose. We do not have the right to silence our neighbors whether we agree with them or not. Please be respectful of our Constitutional right of freedom of speech represented by these political signs of both parties.