San Antonio Magazine for Alamo Heights, Terrell Hills, Lincoln Heights, Terrell Heights, Northwood and Oak Park

Corie Properties

Where Residential Real Estate is Concerned ’09 Is “Sold”

The vast majority of what comprises 78209 is residential. Yep, while there is the ZIP’s flourishing commercial aspect, most of what’s here are, quite simply, “homes.” And nice ones at that! This is a great place to live, and because of its attractiveness (in appearance, amenities and ambience), people are constantly moving in, or about, seeking their own little piece of it. But once here, how do they find and then, of equal importance, acquire that ideal ’09 abode?

Well, thanks to the area’s own Corie Fuhrmann Boldt Hutt (an AH grad), obtaining a dream house in the neighborhood can be pretty easy. Her well-grounded brokerage, Corie Properties, couples buyers and/or sellers with an incredible cadre of experienced, uber-achieving agents empowered by the latest technology, all focused on one thing — perfectly “matching people to places”— then making the process of procurement from the initial listing to the closing an extremely positive experience. Wow! And has it worked? You bet, because where residential real estate is concerned, 78209 is definitely “sold” on Corie Properties!

Founded in 2011 by the company’s namesake — whose family, the Fuhrmanns, have been long-term Terrell Hills and Alamo Heights residents — and her good friend Margaret Barnes, Corie Properties represents the culmination of the young entrepreneur’s years working in real estate for other firms, learning the trade, meeting people, developing relationships and enjoying the interactions that successfully moving property entailed. As she admits, “I love this business, which is basically being able to help people and I am a helper!”

And with that sentiment in mind, as well as having the encouragement of others (clients and co-workers), that was why she decided seven years ago to become independent, establishing Corie Properties with a focus primarily on 78209 but also including Olmos Park, Monte Vista, downtown San Antonio, the Woodlawn area and even up the 281 corridor into the Hill Country.

Due to her past personal experience, however, Corie decided to structure her company differently. Realizing how difficult and financially challenging this profession could be for those new to the real estate biz, where customarily a new agent who signs on with a brokerage is assessed monthly “fees” covering various support services, she sought a more supportive, nurturing approach. Since almost all of the income traditionally derived is commission-based, until a “newbie” makes his or her first sale, it can be tough getting started. Recognizing this, Corie established her business as a “no fee” agency with almost all of the expenses (especially the extensive marketing of the property) being paid by the agency. After a sale is concluded, the agent (new or veteran) receives, as Corie attests, “a higher-than-industry-normal commission split along with a small ‘expense’ deduction totaling just a few hundred dollars.”

This novel slant, while fostering internal appreciation and enthusiasm (not to mention recruitment), has proven to be a hit with Corie’s loyal, dedicated, growing and very productive staff that now numbers an impressive and diverse 25, most of whom also live in and are very familiar with the ’09 area. Also, as a positive and important upshot of the elimination of these extraneous financial burdens, the agent can now focus more on serving the client’s needs and less on brokerage obligations — a very good thing if you’re her customer.

But to an individual or commercial enterprise wishing to sell or buy residential property, it’s the results rather than an agent’s well-being that count. Since inception, Corie Properties has successfully concluded many hundreds of transactions working for private home sellers, buyers, investors, developers and others, all needing the expertise required to be successful in today’s very competitive market. And to ensure the continuation of the same, just like Corie’s innovative approach with her co-workers, she also has incorporated the technological marketing savvy and capability required in these modern times to succeed in residential real estate.

As a UT-Austin business and marketing degree-holder, Corie believes in staying on the cutting edge to ensure that her clients’ properties enjoy a front and center exposure to potential buyers. Likewise, those looking to purchase are also facilitated by the technologies she employs. Social media remain paramount, but her company’s website is also extremely interactive, allowing visitors to select by area, price, size and other categories. She also offers a free, downloadable app that further enhances one’s search. No matter the medium, a capable staffer constantly updates the extensive listing information, keeping everything remarkably current. But as Corie reassures, “These high-tech communication outlets are only tools. The human element – my hard-working agents – will always be the most essential part of the equation.” And to that end, team Corie continues to excel.

So if you’re an excited newcomer looking to buy or an old-line AH resident wishing to downsize or whatever your situation, Corie Properties can make sure that everything happily comes together. That’s just what “helping others in need of a home” is all about, and that’s why Corie does it. Check out her listings, look for her yard signs, and you’ll see why 78209 truly is “sold” on Corie Properties. And that’s a deal!

By Ernie Altgelt

Photography by Martin Waddy

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