A message from CITY OF OLMOS PARK
Due to COVID 19, the July 4th Parade Co- Chairs, in collaboration with the Fiesta Frolic Co-Chairs have decided to cancel the traditional July 4th Parade for 2020.
Instead, we are encouraging all families to participate by the following:
- Decorate home, door or yard in the July 4th theme.
- Draw and color a chalk creation on driveway/sidewalk in the patriotic spirit.
- Decorate your bicycles in the July 4th theme. Be sure your bike is safe and visible from the curbside or we can contact you when we are ready for judging early July 4th morning.
Awards will be posted in the yard of the winning recipient in each category for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, place at 9:00 AM on July 4th. Residents are encouraged to walk, bike, or ride the neighborhood to view the decorations and creations.
Please call the City Secretary, Kyndra Munoz, at kmunoz@olmospark.org by July 2nd to let her know if you are participating in the COVID 19 July 4th Celebration. Provide your name, address, cell and the category, you are participating in. Or you can contact me for any further information at Jackie380@msn.com or (951) 775- 3372.
Thank You and Stay Safe,
Jackie Sheets, July 4th Chair
Owen Douglas, July 4th Co Chair