Watering (using automatic or manual irrigation systems) is permitted only once a week before 10:00 a.m. or after 8:00 p.m. The last number of your address determines what day you can water.
You may use drip irrigation, soaker hose, or hand-held hose during any day at any time.
1. Wasting water is prohibited at all times. Do not allow water to run off into the street, drain, or ditch. Repair all leaks.
2. Do not use water to wash an impervious outdoor ground covering such as a parking lot, driveway, street, or sidewalk, unless for health or safety reasons.
3. Restaurants and other eating establishments are prohibited from serving water to customers except upon request of the customer.
4. At least 25% of all non-public swimming pools’ surface area must be covered with evaporation screens when not being utilized. Inflatable pool toys or floating devices may be used.
5. Washing of vehicles or other equipment at a residence is only allowed during their designated watering day. Water is not allowed to run into the street.
6. Charity car washes are prohibited except at commercial car wash that recycles at least 75% of the water it uses or is certified as a conservation car wash.
7. Ornamental outdoor fountains are not to be utilized unless the water is recycled, and the only additional water used is to compensate for the loss due to evaporation.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the AH Public Works Department.

The Good Things That Have Come From COVID-19
When I read Berit Mason’s October column in 78209 Magazine about how COVID-19 has dramatically increased business for local veterinarians, I wondered who else might be benefiting from the pandemic.
The answer is many local businesses are seeing a dramatic increase in sales and related work. Here are just a few:
Residential Swimming Pools
Designers at the three top local pool sales firms told me their business is booming. “People who may have been thinking about how nice it would be to have an in-ground swimming pool at their homes are now pulling the trigger and ordering new pools. I’m talking about everything from a relatively small and easily managed pool of 10,000 gallons to nearly commercial size pools of more than 75,000 gallons.
IT Help
Joe Trevino, Information Technology Support expert, told me he’s experiencing an increase of approximately 35% in business due to customers needing to work from home. Many are seeking help installing telework systems for online education, telehealth, and more. Some clients are upgrading home Wi-Fi systems. Many people are purchasing laptops for home use. Trevino said he is busy setting up smart phones for zoom conference calls. “And we are installing a growing number of home security systems including external and internal cameras and monitoring equipment.”
Home Remodel
James Ivy, Ivy Enterprise, told 78209 Magazine, “We’ve never been as busy as we are now with home remodeling projects, especially additions to and expansions of home offices. We’re also seeing great demand for upgrades to master bedrooms and especially master baths.” Ivy said as more and more people spend more time at home they identify projects that will improve their quality of life and “we are happy to help do that for them.”
Weight Loss Products and Home Exercise Centers
Many of us remember the “Freshman 10,” the weight first year college students often gained. Now, many are talking about the COVID-19 twenty, the pounds home-bound folks are adding as the pandemic rages on. The result is demand for weight loss products and home exercise equipment. Just check out how many TV commercials ae currently pitching lose-weight fast diets and exercise equipment to viewers.
I’m sure there more beneficiaries resulting from COVID-19.
The Mystery of Missing Postal Drop Box Solved
The day I went to mail my absentee ballot, I discovered what I assumed was part of the national conspiracy story over missing postal drop boxes.
I’ve been a regular at the Post Office Branch at 9211 Broadway. They had – emphasis on had – a large outdoor drop box that was easy the drive-by to mail whatever. But the day I went there to mail my absentee ballot for the presidential election, the mailbox was gone. Fresh cement covered the ground where it used to live.
I assumed we were facing the alleged assault on easy access to mailing absentee ballots. I’d been curious about why the new Alamo Heights Post Office on Austin Highway had no outdoor, drive-by dropbox. Part of the same assault on rights to have easy access to mail important stuff?
I contacted the postal service’s public information officer. And she got me the answer to my questions.
“The security and sanctity of the mail are of paramount importance to the U.S. Postal Service. This includes ensuring mail receptacles are secured and in good condition at all times. We apologize for any inconvenience that may have been experienced by customers in the Alamo Heights area. The letter collection box at 9211 Broadway was recently damaged, and we are in the process of replacing it as soon as possible.
“At the branch at 1107 Austin Hwy, the layout of the parking lot did not allow for a drive-up collection box; however, one was installed near the building entrance for our customers’ convenience. Customers are reminded that they can securely deposit any outgoing mail inside the Post Office in our lobby dropbox, as well. Customers who need assistance can reach us in a variety of ways, including by contacting their local Post Office, calling 1-800-ASK-USPS (1-800-275-8777), or visit us on our website at www.usps.com/help for assistance.”
And, good to their word, there’s a new outdoor drop box at 9211 Broadway. It was installed two days after I contacted the Postal Service. Coincidence? Or the power of the press?
By: Ron Aaron Eisenberg