School’s in Session
Alamo Heights ISD launched the school year on August 17 with all hands and hearts on deck. The year started with three weeks of remote learning for all, then transitioned to the options of Face-to-Face or Heights at Home instruction, based on a student’s...
Destruction or Theft of Political Signage on Private Property
Homeowners’ and renters’ political signs are being stolen from yards in Alamo Heights and Terrell Hills. Consequences for stealing political signs are as follows: a Class C misdemeanor for a small sign worth less than $100 with a maximum penalty of $500. If the sign...
Neighborhood News
Olmos Park Recycling Back on Course Olmos Park reported in its most recent newsletter, “With our regular routines disrupted, our recycling got very contaminated during all of April and most of May.” As we are slowly getting back to a routine, Olmos Park is...
New Protocols for Safe Work-Outs
How Health and Fitness Studios Are Keeping the Viruses Away

Newlyweds Excited to Land in 09
With multiple thriving businesses and two cherished dogs, Max and Bae, the Nguyens married in the last year and bought a home in Alamo Heights.

The Vitamin Store Offers So Much More Than Supplements
Since 1959 The Vitamin Store
has offered many in Alamo
Heights and beyond the chance to
improve their lives through natural

In the Loop
Will Smith Zoo School Receives Grant from Texas Cavaliers On Thursday, September 24, the Texas Cavaliers presented a check for $1,050,000 the Will Smith Zoo School. The school was chosen as this year’s charitable honoree of the Texas Cavaliers Charitable Foundation....