When Staying Home, is Good for Business

The Veterinarian Business That Is


You’re at your desk. Fido’s under your desk.

You’re watching T.V. He’s watching T.V.

You’re rummaging in the fridge for a snack, and beady pet eyes areon you.

What does all of this togetherness mean?

You may be noticing more about your pet, regarding his health and appearance.

Dr. Pat Richardson is the owner and operator of the Broadway Oaks Animal Hospital.

“The increase we had in business happened almost immediately, and I was wondering what was causing all of this. That is what it has got to be; increased contact with your friend,” says Richardson.

“We’re doing a lot more dentals, and elective surgeries, and things. Maybe it’s something they’ve been putting off. Or, maybe they feel guilty for not having done it.”

New clients are also coming in because, as I’ve reported, there’s been a big jump in pet adoptions and fostering. 

Being home means people have the time to take on a pet.

“I was so worried that we were going to end up like restaurants,” Richardson sighed. “I have to have medications and supplies. If I had to shut down three weeks to a month, I’d have to shut my doors.”

Clinics need money to operate.

So, if you are home with your cat or dog, here are some behaviors that may indicate a visit to your family animal doctor.

Examine him.

Are there lesions between his toes, or exposed skin on his belly?

San Antonio is among the top ten cities in the country when it comes to allergies.

“Dogs chew and lick with allergies. I see all of my allergic patients coming in with ear infections and skin infections,” says Richardson. You don’t want those.

“Vomiting, not wanting to eat, diarrhea, those types of abnormal things.”

Odd gastrointestinal symptoms are warnings that something’s amiss.

“If he is limping, or messing with something, bring him down to the doctor. Anything that they are doing that is out of their normal routine,” is cause for concern, says Dr. Richardson.


Pets look to their owners for love and care.

We need your help.

But people benefit from this closer contact. 

Petting a dog lowers blood pressure, and pets improve our mood.

Many pet owners talk to their therapists, I mean, pets. 

One reason is: we don’t judge. 

You gained ten pounds.? We won’t say a word.

Spent the afternoon gossiping about a neighbor?

We won’t tell!

Plus, making our meals, walking us, and our other requirements give your day structure. For single people, we are that warm body to protect against loneliness and isolation.

And, of course, we are the perfect kid companion for kids being home-schooled.

The Broadway Oaks Animal Hospital has had its own brush with COVID-19, which required a staffer to be quarantined.

It’s not a global pandemic, for nothing. 

“You touch that gas nozzle, and you get enough virus, to get it!” says Richardson.

His background in epidemiology means he pays close attention to the news.

“Like I told everybody from the very start, it only takes one person.”

No one crowds into the vet clinic anymore, a birdcage on one knee, a big dog on the ground, beside you.

Everything is curbside and will be for the foreseeable future.

“People like it, and we like it, pretty well, too,” says the vet. So, business is good, at least for one ’09 pet clinic.

Until next month!

Woof, woof!


Berit Mason has been a reporter – anchor for WOAI 1200 AM Radio, a contributor to the San Antonio Business Journal, a writer for SA Scene magazine, and for “San Antonio Woman”. She has been writing the “Ask Roxie” column since 2016. Berit also worked in T.V., as a reporter – anchor in West Texas and in Waco, where she was a RIAS Berlin Commission German – American Exchange Journalist, starting her career interning with CNN Washington. She is a frequent traveler to Scandinavia, where her mother was from. Her father was an author of military aviation history. Berit loves animals, and was raised in a family who preferred to acquire the family dog, from among the many homeless pups roaming San Antonio streets.
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