by 78209 Magazine | Nov 5, 2021 | Meet Your Neighbors
The Chancellor Team for the Win By Meredith Kay Photography by Al Rendon They say that it takes a village to raise a child, but for one Alamo Heights family, love and teamwork work in tandem to tackle the challenges of raising a family in this hard-working household....
by 78209 Magazine | Nov 5, 2021 | Happenings in '09
By Ron Aaron Eisenberg 7600 Broadway on Schedule to Open 2nd Quarter 2022 It is impossible to miss the new building casting a shadow along Broadway and Nacogdoches, across from The Shops at Lincoln Heights. The building replaces the aging condominiums and a small...
by 78209 Magazine | Nov 5, 2021 | Business Profile
Dury’s Gun Shop Straight Shooters since 1959 by Meredith KayPhotography by Al Rendon Some of the most successful enterprises began in a garage. Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs started Apple Computers in a garage, and the Ramones started their raucous band in a...
by 78209 Magazine | Oct 1, 2021 | School News
Friday Night Heights Mini Mules Cheer at Homecoming Future Mule Cheerleaders, ages 4 to 8th grade participated in the Friday Night Heights event sponsored by the Alamo Heights High School (AHHS) cheerleaders. Teaching future and current Mules the essentials for...
by 78209 Magazine | Oct 1, 2021 | School News
ALAMO HEIGHTS PEP RALLY Alamo Heights High School held their first Pep Rally of the year, taking it to the field at the newly renovated Harry B. Orem Stadium. Students enjoyed some outdoor games, featured performances by the Mighty Mule Band, cheerleaders, and Spurs...
by 78209 Magazine | Oct 1, 2021 | Neighborhood News
By: Ron Aaron Eisenberg Neighbors Up in Arms Over Planned Development on Katherine Court Trebes Sasser Jr., Ridgemont Properties, is proposing to build a three-story, multi-family-apartment building on properties his firm acquired at 111, 119, 131, and 135...
by 78209 Magazine | Oct 1, 2021 | Happenings in '09
By: Ron Aaron Eisenberg New Eye Wear Gallery Opens in 78209 Calling itself different than other eye wear businesses, Oculus Eye Gallery at 5024 Broadway says, “Our goal is to get you seeing as clearly as your doctor intended.” The new location is the company’s first...
by 78209 Magazine | Oct 1, 2021 | Uncategorized
Animals are Affected by Climate Catastrophes Too! Fortunately, animal groups come to the rescue “Ask Roxie” By Berit Mason Hurricane Ida landed in Port Fourchon, Louisiana, on Sunday, August 29th, bringing high winds, storm surges, and tremendous amounts of flooding...
by 78209 Magazine | Oct 1, 2021 | Meet Your Neighbors
The Gray Family Party Never Ends By Meredith Kay Upon walking into the home of Ben and Martha Gray you would never know they had four children. The home is a clean palette of whites and neutrals with perfectly placed furniture throughout the living areas. It...