The Animal Defense League and Maddie’s Fund: “2023 Open Arms Challenge”
By Nadia De La Garza
As ADL continues to grow and serve the San Antonio community, we are always looking into new ways we can aid our supporters, adopters, and families, whether they are looking to adopt a new pet or provide more assistance to our organization.
In January, ADL applied to be part of the 2023 Open Arms Challenge by Maddie’s Fund! Maddie’s Fund provides resources and grant funding to honor their commitment to keeping pets and people together. Their Open Arms Challenge is about opening our hearts and minds to more accessible and inclusive practices. For the month of April 2023, the team at Maddie’s Fund is encouraging animal shelters, foster-based organizations, and public charities focused on keeping pets and people together to pilot new approaches that open doors to new adopters and volunteers, and are welcoming of our entire community.
Our practices at ADL have always been focused on keeping our pets happy, loved, and, most importantly, adopted into loving homes. Additionally, ADL values care, compassion, trust, and integrity.

During the month of April, ADL will put extra emphasis on continuing our efforts to:
- Uphold processes that are equitable and inclusive,
- Ensure customer success through customer service,
- Continue marketing efforts that are inclusive of all areas of our community,
- Embrace an open and welcoming culture, and
- Create partnerships with other organizations.
We hope that the 78209 community will join us in our continuous work to provide crucial care for pets in crisis while also being intentional about how we connect with all areas of San Antonio. To learn more about Maddie’s Fund, visit their website at www.adltexas.org to learn more about ADL, or we invite you to visit us at one of our 3 locations.