San Antonio Magazine for Alamo Heights, Terrell Hills, Lincoln Heights, Terrell Heights, Northwood and Oak Park

Profile: Always Acting Up–Terri and Allan Ross


For Terri and Allan Ross, Terrell Hills residents for 42 years and a very happily married couple, playing make-believe has been an ongoing passion. Throughout their lives — individually and especially together — this talented and transformative twosome have strutted on, behind and across myriad stages, enamoring eager audiences with their amazing abilities to emote. By bringing theatrical roles to life, the Rosses have discovered a reality that keeps them scripted, on cue and incredibly contented, and that’s pretty boffo! Who would have thought that such a warm, wonderful and well-liked duo could achieve such acclamation by simply acting up? Bravo!

Terri (a San Antonio native) and Allan (from West Virginia) were both bitten by the acting bug at early ages. Each came from nurturing households where performing became almost second nature. For Terri, it was school productions that launched her love of acting. Allan’s father staged annual productions that involved the entire Ross clan, and as a youngster, the gifted boy filled the child roles. The experiences garnered for both would prove invaluable.

They initially met at San Antonio College, where respectively, they were student and teacher. That was in 1969. Allan, who earned a master’s degree in theater from Louisiana State University, was the school’s scenic designer, technical director and auditorium manager while also handling five classes. Terri was in one of those classes, and Allan, spotting talent and a lot more, cast his future bride in a school production of Elizabeth the Queen. As Allan admits, “She was a standout on stage and, more importantly, in my heart.” Both were smitten.actors dancing

However, since relationships between faculty and students were frowned upon, Terri soon transferred to UT Austin, where she ultimately earned her BA degree, later followed by a master’s in directing from Texas State University. While at UT, however, Terri received rave reviews for her role as Sandy in a university production of The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie, which guest-starred Kathryn Crosby (Bing’s wife). Terri concedes, “It wasn’t a bad break for a young, inexperienced undergrad. I was very lucky.”

After their marriage in 1971, the newlyweds eventually settled down in ’09 with Allan delighted with his position(s) at SAC, while Terri blissfully taught theater, initially at several private preschools and later at public middle and high schools. Along the way came three beautiful daughters (two biological, one “unofficial,” but all equally loved). During these years of scholastic employment, both continued to act and direct (professionally and usually together) in various summer theater productions. It was hard work but a rewarding existence, where work was play and vice versa.

Post-retirement, Allan, after 40 years at SAC, and Terri, from her teaching gigs, decided San Antonio needed a professional-grade theater company dedicated primarily but not exclusively to presenting classical plays. Both recognized that excellent stage productions were available in the Alamo City, but most of the offerings were musicals. The city seemed to be lacking an outlet for more traditional and timeless dramatic titles like Inge’s Bus Stop, Miller’s Death of a Salesman or Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The Rosses, along with two other like-minded couples and a financial adviser, dived right in to fill that void and, in 2008, established the Classic Theatre of San Antonio.

After eight stellar seasons, it’s proven to be a hit with audiences comprising all ages, tastes and backgrounds, thanks to the stable of gifted and dedicated local actors and actresses, directors, stagehands and others (including the Rosses), who contribute so ably to each first-rate production. Founding members Terri and Allan are very proud and excited to be associated with the Classic Theatre of San Antonio, but then again, while extremely serious work is involved, they simply love what they do — and that’s no act! And lastly, what do a couple of lauded veteran performers (see sidebar) do offstage?

According to Allan, pretty much what other ‘09ers do. As he relates, “We like living inside the ‘bubble.’ With our great neighbors, restaurants and proximity to everything we love, it’s quite comfortable here.” And it must be, as a smiling Terri emphasizes, “Because after four wonderful decades, I’ve still got the same house, phone number and, of course, husband.” Yep, they love their ZIP code, and even though the show must go on, they’ll “stay right here, thank you!”

INDUSTRY KUDOS TO THE ROSSESactors local talking

It’s not always easy to excel, much less be recognized by one’s peers, but in Terri and Allan’s case, one glance at the prestigious awards that decorate their den says it all. Individually and together, they are considered two of San Antonio’s best, and that makes them a truly tough act to follow.

Both have been multiple recipients of the Alamo Theater Arts Counsel Globe Awards (more than 40 between them).

Allan individually received the ATAC’s highest honor, the Jasmina Wellinghoff Award for special contributions to theater in San Antonio.

As a team, they were given the arts and letters award for their many theatrical contributions by the San Antonio Library Association.

Allan was the former director of the children’s opera series presented by the San Antonio Symphony.

Allan was also a co-founder and artistic director of the Summer Company, the professional theater company of San Antonio College.

Allan is currently the co-artistic director of the Classic Theatre of San Antonio. Terri is an invaluable (versatile) member within its repertoire of actors.

By Ernie Altgelt
Photography by Elizabeth Warburton

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