San Antonio Magazine for Alamo Heights, Terrell Hills, Lincoln Heights, Terrell Heights, Northwood and Oak Park

Leading Through Change


How Getting Back to the Basics Helped Emily Conrad Revive her Company Culture

By Angel L. Santiago


Why do dogs make make excellent leaders? Because they have a great bark record, know how to fetch results, and always paws for reflection before making any major decisions. 


These are some of the traits that Emily Conrad, owner of Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming, demonstrated as she successfully navigated the challenges of leading during times of change and uncertainty.


Change is inevitable. We all know this. Hard to accept at times, but we know it.


The Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited with the idea that change is the only constant in life. And Charles Darwin said: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.”


Plain and simple – success requires you to adapt and change.


Which is exactly what Emily had to do after purchasing Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming in Alamo Heights. “It was a learning process for me; I hadn’t done anything like this before. So, I jumped in with no idea what I would encounter. It was a lot of trial and error, and I had to follow my instincts.”


Her biggest challenge in taking on an existing business was walking into the established culture and wanting to make it something new. “It was very tough. I mean, you’re dealing with people who are set in their ways, they’re nervous, and now they have to trust someone new. The culture change was hard.”


In my conversation with Emily, it became very apparent how important the people she serves are to her. For her, leading through change is not just about systems and processes but about the people involved. While a formal change process is important, it is also essential for a leader to prioritize the human aspect of change.


Emily added, “In business, developing relationships with my team, customers, and anyone who walks through my door is crucial. As a business owner, my aim is for people to have a positive experience and leave feeling satisfied. It is important to me that they feel good because they have the choice to go elsewhere if they are not happy. Ultimately, my goal is for customers to walk out feeling good.” 


Effective leaders devote considerable time and effort to engaging everyone involved in the change. Emily spent a lot of time talking to the existing employees, got to know them, and made sure they felt safe and confident that they would be okay and that the business would grow. This helped foster and cultivate a foundation of trust between them.


A key ingredient in helping her do this with her team and customers was getting back to basics, as she liked to put it. “It’s honoring your word, doing what you say you’re going to do. Being upfront, honest, and direct with people. Which isn’t always easy to do.”


I was curious about how she managed to stay motivated and what inner resources she relied on to continue moving forward. To which she said, “Inspiration. Because I love dogs and I love the creative side of being an entrepreneur. To think about what I can do to make it attractive to the customers. Listen, there were times when it felt like a lot, and it was overwhelming, and you’re like, what is happening? But if you’re inspired to do it, you just get it done a little bit at a time.”


She’s 100% right about this.


To achieve success, it is crucial to possess four key elements within yourself that have the potential to either make or break your journey:

• Do you love what you do? If you don’t, you’re going to struggle.

• Are you good at it? Or can you put yourself on a path to become good at it? Whatever you do will require a certain level of proficiency from you.

• Is it profitable for you? Let’s be honest; you’ve got to be able to make a living from whatever you decide to pursue.

• Last but not least, does it positively impact people’s lives? If it doesn’t, I mean, who are you serving? People. So, let’s ensure you’re adding value to their lives by whatever service or product you offer.


The entrepreneurial journey is very fulfilling and rewarding, but it’s also full of challenges, uncertainty, and change. Overcoming the challenges will be difficult without a genuine passion for your work and a profound, purposeful motivation driving you.


For coaching, training, or team building, or if you need any support navigating through change, contact me at 210.239.3435. Together, we can embark on a journey to refine your leadership skills, strengthen your mindset, and achieve the goals that are most important to you.




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