/ January 8, 2015
ALAMO HEIGHTS HIGH SCHOOL MERIT SCHOLARS AND DUKE TALENT IDENTIFICATION PROGRAM The Duke University Talent Identification Program (Duke TIP) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to serving academically gifted and talented youth. The honorees from Alam …
/ December 5, 2014
Alamo Heights Classic Guitar and Piano Courses Whether many realize it or not, music plays an important role at Alamo Heights High School. For instance, the symphony supplies the school musicals with magical tunes from the pit, while choir students ser …
/ November 4, 2014
Homecoming is the annual tradition in which alumni return to reminisce about their school days, as soon-to-be-graduates and fellow students enjoy the festivities of football, half-time shows, mums, the crowning of the court and the annual dance. In Ala …
/ October 4, 2014
They have traveled the world, raised amazing families and accomplished great things in both their professional and personal lives, but the ties that brought each of them home, returning once more to their alma mater, were those counted most worthy. The …
/ September 21, 2014
With extended periods of rehearsal in preparation for the upcoming competitive marching and football seasons, musicians spent time rehearsing marching and music fundamentals as well as learning the material for the 2014 field and football shows during …
/ August 26, 2014
The Martha Spoor Young Writers Fund was established in 2008 in memory of Martha Spoor, a lifelong resident of San Antonio, a 1987 graduate of Alamo Heights High School and an English teacher at the Alamo Heights Junior School. Martha’s greatest passion …
/ July 15, 2014
Alamo Heights High School celebrated the educational journey of 369 candidates during graduation on June 5 at Laurie Auditorium on the campus of Trinity University. During the ceremony, AHHS faculty named Danie …
/ June 4, 2014
NEW! ANNUAL PROOF OF RESIDENCE AND ONLINE REGISTRATION Beginning Aug. 1, Alamo Heights ISD will annually require current proof of residence. The district will also require all parents to utilize an online registration system, which will also ope …
/ May 20, 2014
A Showcase of Engaged Learning Sharing their enthusiasm for the work they enjoy during the traditional school day, Alamo Heights ISD students returned to school after hours to showcase their work during the district’s annual Showcase of Engaged Learnin …