The free and reduced meals application form is available now on the AHISD Nutrition Services website. Applications can be downloaded in Spanish and English, or they can be picked up in the front office at AHISD campuses.
A new application must be submitted each year. Families are encouraged to apply to determine eligibility. The website contains video instructions on how to submit the application.
Alamo Heights ISD is part of the National School Breakfast and Lunch programs for the 2024-2025 school year. As a part of the NSLP and NSBP, nutritious and delicious meals are available for AHISD students. All students are entitled to eat breakfast and lunch every school day in their school café.
Pricing for the 2024-24 school year is as follows:
Breakfast Howard/Cambridge/Woodridge – $1.95
Breakfast Junior School – $2.05
Lunch Howard/Cambridge/Woodridge – $3.10
Lunch Junior School – $3.35
Menus can be found on the Nutrition Services website.
Contact the cafeteria manager at your child’s campus with questions or call 210-832-5940 for help filling out online applications.