By Bruce X. Forey
As 2024 ended, the 78209 real estate market experienced notable shifts between November and December. While more homes closed in December, prices declined across several key metrics. Here’s a breakdown of the changes based on data from the San Antonio Board of Realtors (SABOR).
Closed Listings
November: 30 closed listings
December: 36 closed listings
December often sees a rise in closings due to year-end motivation among buyers and sellers.
Pricing Trends
Both the average and median home prices in
78209 dropped by at least 20% compared to November 2024.
Metric November December
Average Price $667,330 $529,719
Median Price $570,000 $437,350
Price Per Square Foot
Buyers paid 7% less per square foot in December, reflecting a more buyer-friendly market to close out the year.
November: $269 per sq. ft.
December: $250 per sq. ft.
Final Sales Price vs. Original List Price
Compared to November, buyers in 78209 had more negotiating power in December.
November: Homes sold at 93.3% of the original list price.
December: Homes sold at 89.7% of the original list price.
This drop indicates that sellers were more flexible with pricing as the year ended.
New and Active Listings
The holiday season likely influenced a 32% drop in new listings in December, reducing housing supply.
Metric November December
New Listings 53 36
Active Listings 242 194
Months of Inventory 6.0 months 5.0 months
Days on Market (DOM)
Homes in 78209 took 46% longer to sell in December than in November.
November: 50 days on market
December: 73 days on market
This increase suggests that buyers weren’t in a big hurry to purchase, while inventory from earlier months remained available.
Market Insights and Takeaways
This data highlights how there are periods of month-to-month fluctuation in 78209’s real estate market. This often takes place during the transition from peak fall activity to the slower holiday season.
For buyers: The increased time on market and lower price per square foot made December a buyer’s market with more room for negotiation.
For sellers: Pricing competitively from the start remains crucial to avoid extended market time and price reductions.
As we move into 2025, staying informed about market trends will help both buyers and sellers make strategic decisions.
Bruce is a skilled real estate agent serving 78209 and beyond. He enjoys helping client’s market and sell their property, find a dream home or discover investment opportunities. He has advanced training as a luxury homes specialist, with pricing strategies, residential home inspection for real estate agents, and military relocation. Learn more at, social media, or email: